Pandemonium and Soliloquy

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Anonymous Java Angst

"Error: applet not inited."
I am not usually an emotional person, but by late this afternoon there had been an overflow of tears. I think its all just fundamentally incompatible. It is just so insecure, not that I care, but it just won't do anything, its permanently inactive. And it can't see that it is the problem. And it is so private. I tried calling like a hundred times but it won't answer unless I call it from the home directory. I think it isn't quite set on its path yet.

It uses so many resources like nothing else might need them, and gets bloated.

- Anonymous, on espousing the release of Java programming related angst in blog form


  • Wow that's some angst. How shall I put this...

    does Anonymous unify with andrew?

    By Blogger Eat_My_Shortz, at 10:52 pm  

  • no, though obviously there is a degree of modular cohesion though between andrew and anonymous, and a modicum of modular coupling.

    in short, they are not the same object person class.

    By Blogger Andrew, at 11:36 pm  

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