Pandemonium and Soliloquy

Friday, October 07, 2005

Ravings of a sleepy man.

Social monotony derived from excessively formulaic interactions
can be a tad irksome at times. One thing ordinary social
interactions really lack is widespread absurdity.

The problem with being absurd is that if everyone is absurd all
of the time, it is hard to decide what is absurd, and what
is normal. Except in the case of many people genuinely trying
hard to be serious.

Very mild neurosis can at times make for such interesting perceptions of reality.
I wouldn't mind a parallel personailty to talk to, but in an entirely cooperative
manner, like a parallel processor. A massively parallel processor. Like a brain.
A second one. Just to keep me entertained. Both minds would be me, but they would
have the capability for independent development, allowing a veritable duality, no, plurality of ideas from a similar perspective.


  • Hehe. So u want some absurd conversations huh...

    Now... it would be very interesting to hear what the two of you get up to in there. "In the hood" so to speak :p

    (That joke is very much an in joke, which not only applies only to myself and one (1) of your personalities, but only at this time as it will surely fade into obscurity very shortly).

    By Blogger Eat_My_Shortz, at 1:04 am  

  • I always thought that was an imaginary friend. Very useful people.. and very good listeners. ;)

    Better than pets any day.

    By Blogger รท0, at 8:38 pm  

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