Pandemonium and Soliloquy

Monday, August 29, 2005

Aesthetic | Insane

I must be going insane.

Recently, i've started to have an unnatural appreciation of some of the fonts on my computer (iMac), my phone and some fonts in lecture notes. I thought this was a little odd, but not particularly remarkable. That is, until it began to extend to other inanimate objects. A tap. A glass of water. Tonight I found a bowl of rice, my fork (from a nice cutlery, not that its terribly important) and a few pieces of chicken.

Its not like I see these things and gape at them. Rather, I find it pleasing for a split second flash, then return to "normal" and wonder what the hell is going on in my brain.

I admit I wam somewhat obessive about things like diagrams, such as those for study. When i'm not quickly jotting down notes and diagrams almost illegibly, I'll often redraw my diagrams over and over until I am satisfied with the result.

One thing though, I wouldn't call this "seeing the beauty of the world" as one of my sisters friends suggested, as it only occurs in a minority of inanimate objects. It doesn't happen when I observe people, though of course I still find (certain) people highly attractive in a more normal sense, that is, one everyone else can relate to.

My conclusion: I guess I have some kind of passive / active inordinate aesthetic faculty somewhere in the depths of my mind.

/Insanity. For now.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Recently been reading "String Tokenizer" as "String Toaster" every time I see it.
Been delaying going to bed in the hopes of impeding the inevitable end of another day wasted.
Oh well, such is life, or so it has been said.

Monday, August 22, 2005

The news, in briefs

Voice lost. Found only when tone is deep.
Woe is me i can't dance tomorrow because of my cold.

Went to Cuban music show on Saturday, with last remanents of Buena Vista Social club. Music was good, and there was a insanely cool dancer too.

In other news, I'm getting the hang of pointers and malloc in C, which is totally awesome.

In other other news, my menthol based lolly is almost gone, so it is time for bed.

Goodmorning all!

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Experimental Experiment:

Behold, a simple voting system, to decide upon various trivial issues in my life, because quite frankly, the decisions are just to damn emotionally charged to make myself.

Decision 1*: Whether or not I should grow a goatee, a la this, but maybe slightly more civilised.

A. For sure!
B. No way!
C. I don't give a shit, but if i did, i'd say D.
D. I think it'll look fantasic/crap either way!

*UPDATE*: I shaved... but we'll see what happens on the holidays.

Coming soon, increasingly inane issues, such as what kind of toothpaste to buy, whose personal business I should get involved in and so fourth...

* I reserve the moral right to backflip on decisions at any time.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Another Day...

Another rather odd diet.

More vegemite toast
Yum Cha (ie. dumpling, dumpling, dumpling... more dumplings)
Various interesting teas
More Banana Cake
More toast
A Taste of bean soup (no thanks!)
Baked Beans (yes please!)
Fresh Fruit Juice
More Banana Cake
More Iced Coffee

This can't go on!
Tommorrow I hope to end it and resume relatively normal eating patterns.
Though not before some kind of eggs and bread in the morning i suspect.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Today's Healthy Diet:

In the order in which they were consumed, not including several glases of water:

2 Pieces of vegemite toast
1 Iced Coffee
1 Apple scroll
2 Thin slices of Banana cake
2 Pancakes w/ bacon and eggs
A few Pieces of fried potato with sour cream

Future Prospects: More banana cake.

Thoughts: Maybe I should have some beans soup or something with vegetables... Meh.

Coming soon: Photos.
(I don't actually have a camera, so it'll have to be other peoples photos.)

In other news:
Thursday night was dancing at Puggs... just 5 of us dancing on the floor while the band were playing (though it filled up later). Quite fun, somewhat odd for onlookers no doubt, considering my lack of dance skills. Mel's friend Kristi suggested that if a guy can dance well, then he's either a player, or he's been practising in the mirror, neither of which is attractive to girls. Kristi says a lot of things though...

Friday night, following dinner and a lively discussion on politics and national resources with some school friends, I was dropped off at Frostbites. No such similar conversations arose that night... at least, not within my vicinity... though it was a good night.

Also, I bought a pair of Armani Exchange jeans on impulse. They're sweet. Sort of the inverse in some aspects of my other Jay Jay's jeans...

End boring post (you have my appologies!)

Monday, August 08, 2005


I am in a rather strange mood. A light melancholy of sorts. I'm not quite sure why either, which rather prohibits me from brushing it off as I would like to. The universe just ain't what it use to be...

Also, the wireless connection between my computer and the router is lacking at this specific moment, so I think i'll go brush my teeth and maybe just take a shower for the hell of it.

Also, I hate programming in c when i have to use pointers, malloc, or when I have to write my own code in someones pre-written scafolding. The last point applies to all languages.

Maybe i'll do some therapeutic programming of pointless junk later, which generally just irritates me because I feel like doing something creative, but can't put anything into code, or any physical form.

In Reverse.

My weekend. In reverse. With the use of an anti-thesaurus. (ie. Many, small words repeated. Hardly the epitome of English text, but it should suffice).

About to go to bed now. Tomorrow morning will require a large iced coffee.
Mostly, I suspect it will make me think that I can stay awake.

Previously, woke up at 12 after going to bed at 4, after returning from Mel's place, after playing dead or alive 3, and hanging out with Matt, Tim and Michelle too, and before that picking up Michelle in Mel's car, and discussing "THHC0" which is slightly like THACO, which the geek oriented or players of Baldures Gate and similar games may understand. Before that, food was had at Mel's house, and before that, getting stuck in traffic because Kings Way had been closed.

Prior to that, brought back my computer from an impropmtu LAN at Jono's house (see for pictures). This was after having lunch, before which i played pool for an hour or so with Moe who had been the only one awake when i returned to the LAN at about 11am. Earlier that day, i had delcious eggs, the promise of which contributed to my waking up at 9am, after going to bed at 5:30am, after driving home from Jono's which had preceded me nearly falling asleep while playing Baldurs Gate 2 multiplayer.

Earlier that day, i had uni. Earlier that year, it was my birthday. Earlier in my life, i went to school. Before that, i was born. Prior to that, my parents met eachother and so fourth. Even before that, other people met other people. That went back for quite a bit.

Way before that, humans didn't exactly exist, though I can't be entirely certain, can I? Before that, it's possible that an unimaginable presumably infinite magnitude of nothingness, decided, nonchalantly, to just sort of become something, quite probably with a bang. Though one cannot be certain, because it seems unlikely anybody was around to hear whether it was a bang, or anything loud and unpleasant (or even pleasant) sound at all.

Back to the present, Andrew clicked the Publish Post button, refered to himself in the third person, spammed a few friends, and went to bed.